what to say when contacting a recruiters on linkedin

Linkedin provides amazing opportunities to set yourself apart from thousands of applicants.

To accept advantage of that, though, you lot'll need to know how to do information technology right.

For many, searching for a job and contacting recruiters is exhausting like running a marathon.

Many individuals find it foreign to reach out to people they don't know. It's of import to understand that Linkedin'southward very purpose is to connect professionals, so information technology's in your best interest to acquire how to use it masterfully.

For this reason, I created an article that volition show yous how to bulletin a recruiter on LinkedIn, and how to practice it successfully.

Permit's begin!

How to Connect With Recruiters on LinkedIn

Follow these unproblematic steps:

Discover the Right Person

Think: Is this person in charge of hiring??

The best way to wait for recruiters is to search for them.

It can be as piece of cake equally using Linkedin's search to ready the target industry and write the job title. In our case, that's "recruiter."

Another way is to search past location or visitor you desire to work for. In instance there is an active job post, look for the person who created it. If the job mail service creator is invisible, we got some tips on how to discover them.

Additionally, I recommend joining various professional Linkedin groups to create a mutual ground for future conversations with recruiters.

Note: Make certain that the recruiter is currently agile in that company.

Do Your Enquiry

In example you're planning to message a recruiter well-nigh a job position that you desire, it's important to do your inquiry before making any contact.


Not simply will this help you stand out because recruiters regularly discover candidates who testify that they're prepared in accelerate and that they did their homework. It will also show you what the requirements for that position are and if it fits your profile.

Encounter if You're Allowed to Contact Them

If you ain the gratuitous LinkedIn version, yous're only immune to message people that you are already connected to or perhaps even your 2nd-caste connections. And so in case, you're planning to message someone outside of your network, like recruiters, first, you lot'll have to connect with them.

Yet, if you haven't used information technology yet, y'all can become a Premium trial for one month gratuitous, which may be enough time to connect with the people you want.

How to Arroyo a Recruiter on LinkedIn

Imagine you're a recruiter. What is something you're likely experiencing daily when interacting with new people?

You're likely receiving tons of messages and emails with people having an " I want something, give it to me" mental attitude.

Well, this is a dandy mode to ruin your chances to get hired. But if y'all want to increase your chances, hither'south what y'all can do:

  • E'er offer something first - Call back virtually how y'all can provide some sort of value to them. Fifty-fifty if that value is an honest comment on something they have previously done (shared an article, an opinion, etc.), information technology can be enough to start communication.
  • Inquire them for communication - They'll be glad to share their opinion, particularly if you tell them that you see them as someone who tin give you the best advice.
  • Ask your connection to introduce you - In case the recruiter has someone of your connections as their connectedness, ask them to introduce you. It tin be an fantabulous way to meet them and go on point nearly why you're there.

If your thinking nearly how to contact recruiters on LinkedIn for a particular job postal service, check to see if in that location is information almost who posted that task post. For instance:

In case your research is more than general, or if you're unable to find a proper noun in the task postal service, then search the company's employee listing for any of the post-obit roles past going to the People segment.

So search for some of the post-obit terms, including the location for better results:

  • Recruiter
  • Director of People & Talent
  • Human Resources / HR Manager
  • Hiring Manager
  • Recruitment Manager

Including some actress filters volition requite you the person you're looking for.

Now'due south the time to connect with them.

Don't forget to include a message in your connection request, and in case you lot're connected already, you tin can ship them a message. InMail messages are powerful considering yous can contact almost anyone on LinkedIn without being connected with them beginning.

What Should My Subject Line Exist?

There are high chances that recruiters on LinkedIn that y'all're contacting will determine whether or not to read your message only based on the subject line. Make sure that your InMail clears up what your message is about and that it's professionally crafted.

Hither are a few examples that y'all tin can adapt to yourself and put into your subject line:

  1. Hey {{firstName}}, query about {{CompanyName}}
  2. Hey {{FirstName}} I loved your new article
  3. {{FirstName}}, a query from a prospective Marketing Manager
  4. Speculative Awarding: Inferior Hour Manager

How Long Should Your Message Be

Using LinkedIn Inmail, you can use 200 characters in the bailiwick line and 1900 characters for your message body. Just because y'all take this many characters bachelor doesn't mean you should write a novel to the recruiter.

What To Include In Your Bulletin for Recruiter

Here are a few tips for composing a message that brings the desired results:

  • Grab their attention with the subject area line
  • Introduce yourself first - You should write something virtually yourself. Nonetheless, you don't have to innovate yourself at length. In that location is e'er your LinkedIn profile for more information if a recruiter is interested.
  • Continue it personal - don't make your message look generic and boring. Always personalize your messaging, so information technology's taken more personally and doesn't become ignored as easily.
  • Know your goal - Knowing your goal and what you desire from the recruiter will help y'all make it a reality - exist specific and tell them what chore you're looking for
  • Be curt and to the point - respect the recruiter's time, don't waste it, and my friendly communication is to stay upwardly to 600 characters with your message.
  • Include CTA - to make the recruiters reply back, include a call-to-action. The trick is non to make them wonder what you want them to exercise next and what your goal is.

Sample Message to Recruiter on LinkedIn

Here are a few samples on how to bulletin a recruiter on LinkedIn that might ameliorate your acceptance rate and recruiter outreach actions.

Instance #1 - How to Accomplish Out to a Recruiter on LinkedIn

Hi {{Recruiter}},

Although nosotros have never met or had the chance to work together, I've heard not bad things about {{TheirCompanyName}}. I'm sure you lot are extremely busy, but if there are any job openings around {{JobRole}}, I would love the hazard to talk near why I might be a adept fit.

Thank you in advance, and take a nice twenty-four hours!


Example #2

Hi {{FirstName}},

I'thou {{YourName}} and I'one thousand a {{JobTitle}}. I'm looking to connect with others in the {{Industry}} at this fourth dimension.

I wish y'all a neat day!


Example #ii - How to Message A Recruiter on LinkedIn - Follow Up

Hello {{FirstName}},

Thank you for connecting. I encounter that you piece of work as a recruiter at {{CompanyName}} which is great. I'one thousand sure you are extremely busy, but if you have time, I'd dearest to talk nigh whether my background would make me a fit for {{JobRole}} in whatever of your offices.


Instance #iii - How to Message a Recruiter on LinkedIn After Applying

How-do-you-do {{FirstName}},

My proper name is {{YourName}} and I'm a {{YourProfession}}. If you lot take a 2nd, I would love the chance to discuss how my {{SpecificSkill}}, and experiences might match the {{JobRole}} I've applied for in {{CompanyName}}.

Thanks for connecting and I hope to hear back from you lot shortly!

Wish you lot a great day!

Case #iii - How to Respond to a Recruiter on LinkedIn - Positively

Hello {{FirstName}},

Thank yous for reaching out most this great opportunity. I'g interested in hearing more than about the {{JobRole}} part in {{CompanyName}}. If you're gratis whatsoever day to take a call and answer a few questions, that would be keen! Have a nice 24-hour interval and I look forward to hearing back from yous.

Thanks in advance,


Example #4 - How to Reply to a Recruiter on LinkedIn - Negatively

Howdy {{FirstName}},
Thank you for your note near the {{JobRole}} role opening. Even though the visitor seems swell and the position is interesting, I'thou happy to be where I'm at this moment. With that said, if I am looking to make a change in the future, I'll make sure to reach out.

Cheers again and skillful luck with filling the position!


These guides might seem a bit simple just it makes results. Make certain to conform it for yourself properly.

How to Attract a Recruiter to Your Profile

Past creating content for your industry, and mentioning the desired visitor in some of your posts, tin concenter recruiters to consider y'all as a corking candidate.

I advise you to share your cognition and value with your connections. It will cause your network to abound by getting engagements on your content, and information technology will aid you concenter a lot of new recruiters to your contour.

This proactive mindset strategy attracts recruiters and interests them to you.

Awesome, correct!?

Sometimes, information technology can be a little hard to concenter connections and other users to engage with your content!

For that reason, we created lempod!

Lempod is a LinkedIn automation tool that helps you increase your LinkedIn mail views to reach an audience upward to 10 times bigger with your content than before.

This largest LinkedIn Engagement Pods marketplace helps content creators and businesses automatically support each other's posts with common engagement.

This tool can be a peachy heave for your content visibility, so you tin can automate the whole process of getting swell engagement on LinkedIn.

To offset getting huge engagement with your posts, all you take to practise is:

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When your postal service starts getting shown to other pod members, as a consequence, yous can get a 10 times bigger reach than the number of your connections.

Merely every bit I did it many times using Lempod:


The pricing plan is elementary - y'all pay $5 per month per each pod. In case you lot're creating your pod to get automated engagement from your squad, it costs $2 per calendar month for each member who joins your pod.

Here are a few crawly pods that we've recently created for our newcomers:

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If yous're ready to get-go getting a huge appointment and bring the recruiters write to you personally, and so download the lempod extension, create an account, use the secret codes above and put your content on burn down!🔥🔥🔥


Source: https://blog.lempod.com/how-to-message-a-recruiter-on-linkedin/

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